We have and
but not playstation or nintendo?
Trekkie i await
We have and
but not playstation or nintendo?
Trekkie i await
here’s the true question, where the heck is tivo/hj
Look again
(more coming too)
would have been more fitting to put the GC/N64 logo. fits better with the PS logo.
iirc tivo is the german company that had a red swirl logo
that was the reason why European dreamcast had a blue swirl
We could have something like the Original Xbox logo, the SNES logo, maybe atari, the DS Logo, Amiga, Commodore, ZX Spectrum, or the classic The classic apple logo.
(these are all just suggestions)
thats tivola not tivo
oh ok
i might have misrembered since those names are similar
you should add more, here is the list: