[UPDATED] Location of Escargot users (chart)

Almost two years have passed since I first did this. Now that TReKiE has archived the old posts on that topic, I remade the graph using the information posted since post-archiving.

The “Others” section comprises the following countries: Italy (3.4%); Germany and Hungary (2.9% each); Turkey (2.5%); Colombia (2.1%); Sweden, Russia, Morocco, Switzerland and Australia (1.7% each); Indonesia, Netherlands, Poland and Romania (1.2% each); Portugal, Lithuania, Peru, Dominican Republic and Bulgaria (0.8% each) and Finland, Norway, Thailand, Egypt, Latvia, Palestine, South Korea, Kuwait, UAE, Ecuador, South Africa and Estonia (0.4% each).


You forgot Uruguay :sweat_smile:

Nope, I didn’t forget. No one from Uruguay posted his email on that thread.

Oh sorry. I hadn’t read that the chart was based on a particular thread.

No problem :slight_smile:
At least, no one specified that are from Uruguay, a lot of people just said “I speak english” or “I speak spanish”, but there are a lot of countries that speak these languages. :stuck_out_tongue:


Uhm sorry where is europe

oh its the others lol xd

How is Brazil the most popular with WLM?

And Panama

(post deleted by author)

same. You can see from my name tho :messenger:

Romania moment

Add me Windows Live Messenger: leandrorozolen@escargot.chat
Brazilian User :smiley:

this isn’t a thread for posting your messenger email

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mmm im from thailand but i use escargot client wlm 2009 lol

Although it’s from 2020… Very nice
I honestly didn’t know Brazil had that much of fan base at the WLM community wow xD

same lol

Mexico here!!

Soy de uruguay tu sabes