This is highly cursed (2 WLM's running at the same time with different servers)

Remember when yellows got both wlm 7.5 and 8.5 to work at the same time

I’ve installed WLM 2009 SSMS (SxSuri), but i couldn’t run both 7.5 (escargot) and 2009 (sxsuri) to work at the same time

But when i installed MSN Polygamy in 2009, guess what


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i cant get it working
answer me

u need to use this wlm 7.5 zip (u will need english messenger dll, coz i got it in portuguese ._.)
u can extract it in normal place where its installed, AFTER WLM 2009 is installed

then install WLM 2009 and patch it like normal

Then u will install MSN Polygamy in WLM 2009 (Escargot has the download)

Then run MSN 7.5, then WLM 2009, and boom