The SquareBracket Thread

this Website just got More real

(not out on prod, due to shit scss vulnerability)

The more real version of the Bracket of Square website is now Live and can now be consumed by Everyone

Get Real

Dark theme is also Real.

I feel like I’m getting way too real now

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Just curious, but is there a backstory on why the name is squareBracket?

in late-january 2021, I set up a windows laptop from 2012-ish-y be the server for PokTube. a few weeks later I got a Linux server and late migrated poktube to it, I got a domain which was I renamed PokTube to SquareBracket.

later domain went defunct, and I scrapped the now retroactively called poktube project in place of SquareBracket, since we’re at least 1/4th of the development pre-release stage, I think it’s too late for a new name

Get Real
(sorry for shitposting i just had to lol)
anyways, will squarebracket get a domain soon?

when you give me money


we don’t plan to

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we got one

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website no longer looks like piss

dark theme:

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subrocks will say otherwise :wink:

Welcome back after 3 years!

after many server-related issues, a failed rebrand, and multiple ui redesigns over the years, we’re back!

unlike my previous project 2003page from many years ago, this is a functional website that actually works:tm:.

whats new on the site after 2021?

  • image uploading
  • content filtering
  • 5 star rating system
  • writing journals
  • an unique user interface (the ux still needs to be worked on)
  • banning system
  • tagging system
  • (VERY INCOMPLETE) notifications system
  • and much more!

we also got the domain back after 3 years, and we got! (bhief doesnt really care anymore)

i’m aware that account registration is closed. there was a shitstorm yesterday.

what happened

im late but it doesnt really matter anymore, account registration has been re-opened for weeks now