Oh hey!
I had just found Yahoo!'s official FAQ on the “new” Yahoo! Messenger. In said FAQ, they address two flaws of the “new” Yahoo! Messenger, no contact status notifications and to my dismay, NO PROPER BUDDY LISTS! Here are there “justifications”:
So apparently, the “new” Yahoo! Messenger not implementing contact status notifications isn’t a bug that Yahoo! decided to neglect fixing, but was intended. If you were to message someone who was offline on this “new” Yahoo! Messenger, they would get a notification regardless. With that kind of notification implementation, it would be really annoying when you set your status as offline while minding your own business, only to be bombarded with notifications nonetheless.
“Think of it like text messaging!” I’d rather not.
Also, no proper buddy list? Pretty stupid interface choice. So now, I have to compose a new message, THEN filter contacts by name just to message someone?! OUTRAGEOUS!!!
So just know from now on, Yahoo! made two stupid choices. Shutting down the legacy Yahoo! Messenger servers AND making incompetent interface choices with their “new” Yahoo! Messenger- wait. I mean IMESSAGE, YAHOO EDITION!