The old internet

I miss the Mirc Scripts from 1999-2004. Until Orkut murdered him… =


I’m still writing mSL (mIRC Scripting Language) in AdiIRC for my own use. There are lots of IRC gateways for various modern services that work pretty well too.

It still amazes me how scripting (or any sort of API) is completely missing from most software today. I’ve heard all the arguments and explanations for that, but it’s still pretty sad. Definitely a major loss from the way things used to be.


these things


also myspace bands


I miss all that very nostalgic.

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Not just nostalgic, but also substantially more functional and better designed.

Like the phones, they look good, but still fit in your hand and are functionally driven. Meanwhile the modern phone costs 10x as much, the battery is glued in, it lasts 7x less, and is designed to be slippery to slide out of your hand then break on impact. People put on cases and popsockets to get around to the fact that they’re badly designed.

And to the original topic, the old web is easy to navigate, navigation is either on the side or at the top, and content is easy to find and easy to read. Now, you’ve got massive menus you have to hover over and modal popups on the page with useless prompts like “do you want to accept cookies?” People install browser extensions to get around the fact that they’re badly designed.


100% agree with you


by gluing battery or hiding special components companies earning a lot of money, cos users can’t replace the battery by themselves and they should go to the service center

btw this is the problem of capitalism


Of course, when the laws inevitably arrive to curtail this behaviour, these same companies doing this will change their business models to make even more money (paid updates, battery dongles, et al.), and then claim they were always in favour of it the whole time :stuck_out_tongue:


or in the case of apple, claim that they’re going to be carbon neutral by 2030 or that removing chargers will save the world.


Yahoo in 2005


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4chan in 2008.

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Turned my Neocities site into a clone of the 2005 Yahoo! site, here it is

Google in 1998.

Rozen Maiden Windows XP (2006)

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limewire? lol

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LOL Limewire

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oh, is this song about users of russian torrent trackers? :nerd_face:

why only russian