Sometimes i feel like leaving this forum

@EpicTaco404 What’s your opinion?

i honestly think this is petty, megadeth is being a hypocrite because he’s doing what he called me out for.

necrobumping, calling out people for posting contacts and literally bombarding them, sure, yeah
the only POSSIBLE thing i could be hypocrite about would be complaining about bumps where i just barely care anymore because it’s been done so much i give up


What i find so ironic is that Epictaco has done all of that, Necros and complaining about the flood of “add me” posts.

bruh when i posted a thread pretty much exactly like this you called me out for it, can you stop being petty

called you out for complaining about drama until hell, i complain about the general behaviour of the forum users, you see the only issue of this forum as drama, here i’m complaining about what people do when they see an “add me” thread, and how this community has come to this since when i joined back in early 2017, not necessarily about dramas and such as that isn’t really my focus

bruh you did that too, you’re not a saint

et404, you’re a pain in the ass.

like always you’re ignoring everything he said and start assuming shit, don’t you ever think it’s stupid?

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yeah dude, can we just drop this whole fucking argument?