[SOLVED] How do i get wlm 8.5 escargot working on winxp

Problem description:
live messenger cant sign me in since it thinks my live id is incorrect :slight_smile:
Error code/error message:
What has been tried so far:
i tried using the posready patch and tried enabling tls 1.1 and 1.2 support but to no avail
Messenger version:
WLM 8.5
Windows version:
Windows XP SP3 with the POSReady 2009 registry patch

Keep trying to log in.

oh i fixed a few things, now the error code is 81000378

nvm found nojus thread

You Can Just Install Windows xp Integral Edition It Have Tls Server 1.0 1.1 1.2 And Make Sure Your Date And Time Is Correct

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Bro this is from 4 years ago :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

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i know…

but its a solve for this problem :smile:

They prob Alr fixed the problem…