So I decided to start putting together an SNES star fox theme for the Nintendo DSi. It is very much a WIP. The background music has also been changed to the “Entering Dangerous Territory” soundtrack from the game.
Ooooh! It is cute! Reminds me I’ve been wanting to cuteify mine Are you sharing it somewhere? ^^ By the way I’m playing SoulSilver and Pearl using KaeruDNS, if you want to play some minigames/battle/trade there!
I won’t be releasing it until it’s fully complete, as you can see, things like the text are broken, and it still uses a lot of original DSi Assets.
(Your DSi must also have TwilightMenu++ set up.)
I didn’t notice text being broken And thought the default assets were intentional
It looks good so far! = 3
Yes, I have it installed, its so wonderful to play games off the built-in SD card! ^^
The theme is complete, however, you must have green selected as your system theme colour, otherwise the theme will look inconsistent, as some borders will be green, and others will be your colour
Congrats for completing it! It looks so cool! I also love green on black, hahah! ^^