Share your old Tech

i would show my stuff my i dont feel like gathering them up and taking a picture with my chromebook (i use a chromebook for school and web browsing)

how do you lose a potato? doesn’t it just sit on the kitchen counter?

potatos can rot


Aww yeah. Good ole Crash.

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My Positivo Mobile from 2007 (i dont remember the exact model, plus, i cant send pics)

Um… How? You are using one rn, you surely can take pictures with it.

Ok, here i go, it was 3 am when i posted that lol


Keyboard is looking lit :ok_hand:t2:

wow thats a very seducing picture of stallone on your profile picture no homo

besides nice collection

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I Think you’re right, the iPod was made to listen music, the iPhone was made to use as a phone and smart device, with music in second instace

You have an DSi and PSP? I have a PSP and had an DSi, exact same color

I’m sure I have more but I either forgot about them or they’re off in closetland


I fell sad for my DSi, it got stolen

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swear to god if that xbox 360 is running anything newer than NXE i will die inside

i got it from gamestop in 2014. it was running the latest dashboard at the time. sorry you had to die inside on you anniversary


most of this stuff came from my grandparents basement. only one here thatdidnt is that elo touchsystems monitor i grabbed from the school store when they were giving their old stuff away
also the calculator is from 1984 and is in mint condition so yeah lucky find i guess


its probably better than owning an xbox 360 e like i do


also now that this threads active i would like to make an update to this

my mate is deceased