“What!?!?! Is that another share your post!?!?!” I’ll give you a complete rocketfeller collection in exchange for you not commenting that. rocketfeller.plp (895.7 KB)
Pack of TeamSpeak sounds, its incomplete but i plan to make it complete
Female (TS3)
and Male (TS2) sounds
Away ON and OFF sounds
“See you soon.” ON
“Welcome back!” OFF
Buddy were moved in and out
“Buddy was moved to your channel.”
“Buddy was moved out of your channel”
Buddy and blocked were banned
“[x] In your channel was banned from the server”
“Connected” and “Disconnected”
Microphone Muted and Activated sounds
“Microphone Muted”
“Microphone Activated” ON
“Hey! Wake up.”
and “You were banned from this server.”