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UPDATE: Fixed the File Explorer

And another bonus:Beautyfox (yet again):

Done some more fixes to the File Explorer

Frutiger MLP?

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what was wrong with it

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Changed the wallpaper to go for a more metalheart’ish look and feel into it (even the Winamp skin)

Also now the file explorer has the bottom right category watermarks into it (music, images, videos)

If Windows XP was heavy /j

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Lmfao it do be facts tho

Managed to get ReactOS on a VM without crashing!


Good job :wink: now try AnyDesk like u said nico,

Here is mine!

How you got old firefox workin?

It’s Echelon, a Firefox 115 ESR theme. You can choose both the Strata and the Australis style, also is compatible with aero glass if you’re using DWMBlurGlass

Cool thx for the info!

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No problem!

I think you were one of the ppl that was on the Geckium server? I remember that somebody from here was, but not sure if it was you

Oh yeah I’ve saw you on other servers, but not on the geckium one, since I didn’t joined that server. I’m in the V3, eXPerience, Windhawk and the Project 2000 servers if you’re wondering (my name is The Windows Geek on there), tho I rarely text on there, just lurk to download stuff lol

Edit: Makes sense why you asked me, stg these leakers always wants to make drama, I hope the guys on there can recover soon from the situation

wait ur in the V3 discord server too??

Late reply, but yup I’m in it lmao

Some inaccuracies in ExplorerFrame.dll.mun which the bitmaps were from Windows 7 and 8 Beta.

I decided not to leave any program shortcuts on the desktop anymore, but to put them all in the start menu)