isn’t this awesome?
note i have to put it on this category because idk i will put it on.
Too bad this client is closed source, someone who knows assembly and C/C++ should try to disassemble it.
Ah yes, Ripcord
Yeah, i want 32-bit version so it can run on Windows XP and Vista 32-bit.
and Ripcord only works if you add exception on ProxHTTPSProxy.
You really shouldn’t be using a Discord Client on Windows XP anyways
anyways it’s gonna be good to use it
it’s nothing special, it’s only really good if your using a slow computer
And against the Discord ToS
if it acts like a selfbot
Custom Clients are prohibited by the ToS
Yep, so far Only Pidgin and Ripcord does support Discord.
how did you make it work?
web client wants to speak with you