RIP Skype classic

Today is the day.
November 1, when skype classic will be discontinued.
RIP skype classic

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(Screenshot took today)

Skype does not give the user a choice, which is sad


Fuck off.

Translated : An update is needed if this group chat wants to use the call and messages features, to do so, type /update in this group chat.

Techinicly its not dead until 9pm
Because its godamm night at Microsoft

So use as long as you can :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahem. You will need Windows 7 some time soon.

why? :stuck_out_tongue:

Skype 5 was my favorit :confused:

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Welcome to the club!

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Skype 7 will die when Microsoft will open at the morning :stuck_out_tongue:

lol 9/11

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tragic date

Just not yet my friend! :wink:

i know, new skype sucks, classic skype and MSN4Life

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It still works here, and based on this:

We are now upgrading more users to Skype 8

I guess from that we can infer that not everyone is being forced to upgrade at once, at least that’s how I read it the tweet. There’s more related info in that thread too.

I did a quick poll earlier with some Skype friends and no one has yet had their Skype 7 classic disabled and one person even installed it on a fresh new install today (from - link still working when I write this).

So how this is going to go down is hard to say.

Good luck with that Microsoft upgrading me to skype 8 on XP lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you know that even on XP, Skype will be upgraded,
even if Skype 8 won’t work properly since you’re on XP, you’ll still be upgraded.


Someone needs to bring it back. :frowning: