Reviving hotmail

I was wondering if there is any way to get Hotmail back

not this again…

i like this
and they changed the tags

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There’s Hotmail Revived by @Deathlife23, but it doesn’t really have a good rep.

First, in order to sign up, you have to send a new email name AND a password to the owner’s email address/their MSN, which is really concerning at a privacy standpoint. Second, the service is just Roundcube, a pre-existing email backend, but with a Hotmail-themed front page.

So basically, it’s best you don’t try it to protect yourself, both in the name of security and sanity.

Although, I still do wish there was a Hotmail-like service. :stuck_out_tongue:

On that note, you can use the Outlook client on some versions of Windows Live Mail*, just it has to be IMAP if i recall.

  • = Tried it on Windows 2000 with Hotmail/Outlook Express 5. Didn’t work. :frowning:

Hi everyone

For many years I always wanted to have the design of the Hotmail 2002, the fastest solution is to use the “Stylish” extension and thus be able to use the retro design.

When not finding any design, I started to program the interface and this was the result, I hope you like it: Website Themes & Skins by Stylish |