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Woah How did you get it to work?

You mean my…Windows ME? I installed a Video driver because VirtualBox doesn’t support windows ME´s video driver through additions.

You literally need a bootable CD/DVD of Windows ME,i looked through it. as the Brazilian CD that i found from WinWorld isn’t bootable.

The DVD i downloaded was from Internet Archive (if i can remember)



You Had Virtualbox too?

And VMWare?!

I also had Hyper-V, maybe if other 2 requires AMD-V for virtual machines to work.

Perhaps, my PC is running in AMD Ryzen 3.

Wholesome Teddiursa

Welcome Back!

Just a question, are you still like in 2019?


Huh. Are you still in the logo community?



aol 6.0? lol

Im pretty sure you got a Pokémon fangame despite the fact that Nintendo hates fangames no matter if its in rom hacks or a windows executable.

If @Zzx_zxz_the_great_fi didnt understand it,I will show some proof.

Pokemon Sanctuary In Windows 2000
Look at the icon that was a modified icon of Flash 1-5 while the application is called Pokemon Sanctuary.

Here is some comparison of these icons.

Comparing Pokemon Sanctuary with Adobe Flash 5 Icon

i’m back in windows 10

actually your kinda wrong, Pokemon Sanctuary is a part of a series called PokeROMs these are mini discs with the sides cut out these discs are made by tlc (The Learning Company) and each disk has a different pokemon, wanna proof? take a look, PokéROM

I understand it. but the application strikes a similar icon to Flash 1-5.

Comparing Pokemon Sanctuary with Adobe Flash 5 Icon

because its a director app

made by adobe as well