Just testing a replica of AIM Today.
And also if you wanna view the thing itself.
Visit sswag51.github.io/aimtoday/
Not script kiddie stuff. Period!
Just testing a replica of AIM Today.
And also if you wanna view the thing itself.
Visit sswag51.github.io/aimtoday/
Well 7/10
LOL AIM Today was just a pop-up that appeared after you logged on to AIM, so why replicate it?
I wouldn’t call this a script kiddie attempt. More of an unnecessary project that you could fix with a simple URL patch inside AIM itself.
arent skiddies hackers or
First. It’s because that redirected to AOL’s webpage.
Second. It’s going to be for the Phoenix client fork…
huh the what?
LOL AIM Phoenix?
Can you, uhh, look for the AIM Today URL for me to patch.
Because of.
Give the aim today program download link i will test it on XP!
I told you, do not leak my hard work on the Internet!
That’s what my wallpaper said.
Why do i need to leak it eh?
uh, but you released it here
I meant not to leak the source code online.
How i don’t know how dude i what to test it on XP!
its just a webpage lol
No he wanted the I EÂ Â C O N T A I N E R.
fuck im dumb
aim today page will not load on ie8 (tested)
LOL the source code is packaged and downloadable.
And you didn’t want it to be “leaked”.