Redo-ing AIM Today

Just testing a replica of AIM Today.
And also if you wanna view the thing itself.

Not script kiddie stuff. Period!

Well 7/10

LOL AIM Today was just a pop-up that appeared after you logged on to AIM, so why replicate it?

I wouldn’t call this a script kiddie attempt. More of an unnecessary project that you could fix with a simple URL patch inside AIM itself. :stuck_out_tongue:

arent skiddies hackers or :thinking:

First. It’s because that redirected to AOL’s webpage.
Second. It’s going to be for the Phoenix client fork…

huh the what?

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LOL AIM Phoenix? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you, uhh, look for the AIM Today URL for me to patch.
Because of.

Give the aim today program download link i will test it on XP!

I told you, do not leak my hard work on the Internet!
That’s what my wallpaper said.

Why do i need to leak it eh?


uh, but you released it here

I meant not to leak the source code online.

How i don’t know how dude i what to test it on XP!

its just a webpage lol

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No he wanted the I E  C O N T A I N E R. :stuck_out_tongue:

fuck im dumb

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aim today page will not load on ie8 (tested)


LOL the source code is packaged and downloadable.

And you didn’t want it to be “leaked”. :stuck_out_tongue: