Hello Guys i have problem with msn 7.5 i cant log in,this bug started when i installed the mercury messenger,and i log out from msn 7.5.I tried many times to sign in but it says '‘Messenger is temporary unavailable etc…’'Also i log out from mercury but still not working.
The strange thing is, that i can login in msn 5.0,6.0 and 7.0
Any idea?
It happened to me just the other way around. As my PC does not work anymore, my account has been inactive for a long time, and when I tried to log in to Mercury Messenger and it was not going to work. To solve I went in the option to recover password. Instead of putting a new password I put the same password and I was able to enter.
Yes the bad is that my email is msn because when escargot project started you couldn’t recover password,so i dicided to put msn email.I dont want to create new account because i have many contacts.
I want to believe that the problem may be due to trying to use Mercury while MSN is connected. When one connects, it should disconnect the other.
Only WLM14 should offer multiple points.
Look this: Client not disconnected when account logs in somewhere else (#16) · Issues · Escargot / Escargot Server · GitLab
Maybe client have problem for now
Interestingly enough I have been using MSN 7.5 also but I haven’t had the issue you guys had. In the other way around, mine is more like just a bug. What happens when I am logged in MSN 7.5 on PC already and I try to log in Mercury is that everything goes fine, except for the fact that my chatrooms and chatroom list in Mercury gets a little confusing.
When I send a message to someone, a conversation group is created with such person AND myself xD It’s like speaking to myself + the person that I intend to.
When I get the chance I’ll post a screenshot here if you devs want to.