I randomly decided to go onto what seemed like @TReKiE’s now-dead MessengerGeek blog (not the forum, the Wordpress blog). And then I saw this.
Pretty surprising, if you ask me.
EDIT: I had to go on “Jonathan’s” blog profile to find this.
I randomly decided to go onto what seemed like @TReKiE’s now-dead MessengerGeek blog (not the forum, the Wordpress blog). And then I saw this.
Pretty surprising, if you ask me.
EDIT: I had to go on “Jonathan’s” blog profile to find this.
My secret blog revealed! (okay not really secret)
I do quite enjoy writing
But jonathankay.com is dead. The last post it messenger reviver, last photo was uploaded in 2003. And candyheart
I’m specifically talking about http://messengergeek.wordpress.com. That was @TReKiE’s blog for a while right until he had to discontinue Messenger Reviver 2, kind of rendering the site dead for a while.
I know that blog since a long time
But is still a good page to randomly see, with that cool HTML4 design