Пользователь PF94 подписался на Ваш канал YouTube

Ух ты, круто

и несколько часов спустя я нашел yellows111 в разделе комментариев видео-

црфе фищге нщгегиу ЦРУКУ ШЫ ЕРУ ЙГУЫЕШЩТ ЬФКЛ!

though i was typing real words, its jibberish cause idk the russian keyboard layout.

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(Google Translate)

Это эпично

что конкретно?

What? Nie panimaji na paruskij

A ty panimaj kakaška

I voobšče, ne “nie”, a prosto, “ne”

I can’t use Russian keyboard because I don’t know the keyboard layout

use phonetic


I was using the phonetic spelling of that sentience

oh, guess i translated with the wrong one. which one do you use?

so you use the packnaAka (yes i used english) version of russian?

oof thats probably not even a version (proves i dont know russian at all)


i dont know russian so im probably reading the wrong thing on the page

i use thi layout
