Hello! i need the old windows movie maker from windows vista im trying to make videos that look like there from 2008.
you ban evaded mate
Body seems fucked, is it a complete hellhole?
Can you give me a link of the banned profile?
He was talking about BabyMcSheep not you.
VPN exist
So what he meant about Sheep?
That he ban evaded, Chaz. Can’t it get more obvious than that?
prepare to get banneth, sheep!
and I know it’s you, dunce!
oh hey! you figured out its me! imtrying to come back. and be better than i was ok?
probably beacuse of this
oh well, if you continue doing ban evades you will never be able to come back
oh. now i see why they said “ban evaded”.
How did you… somehow get my name?
1 Like
oh xD…
Also there should be a feature that blocks sign ups on a ip, like Wikipedia does.
VPN sends hugs to you