Old-school styled Escargot commercial

Hi there guys,

I’m a film student at a uni from UK, and i’m a huge fan of MSN/WLM. And i was thinking about making a commercial out of Escargot server but to be old-school version and with a real VHS effect on it (i do have a friend on Twitter who does that with his 2 VCR’s so he can make a 2nd-generation of the VHS effect). Hope i chose the correct category for this topic because i don’t know exactly where should i post this…
As a matter of fact, I also want to hire some actors (perhaps a voice actor/actress too for the narration), the style to be as compact as all the MSN/Hotmail commercials from 2000’s were (if you search them up on youtube then one of the MSN videos would be similar - i mean… almost) , to make it more realistic.
However, as props what i surely need is a computer with a CRT monitor, an old-school PC with Windws 2000 (or just XP depending on what version/what platform i am actually making a commercial on) , old keyboard + mouse with PS ports , a desk and additionally in case if i want to make a commercial which would include only a person who can present , this might need only the green screen (i have on on my uni so if i want to make one i can ask the guys to book one for me the exact shooting date) . This depends because there would be a little medium of the budget to make the commercial.
But by the way, since I am a pretty-much nostalgic guy I just wanted to make this commercial for my project for my uni and I was thinking of shooting it around June , i mean the deadline is at the end of July so i just wanted to make it a little earlier - the earlier i shoot the better it gets because i have plenty of time to edit on it and to work only on 4:3 ratio which is very suitable for the old-school commercials.

So if anyone wants to collaborate in this stuff or if you guys have any other ideas then let me know on:

Discord : r0ger#2649
Mail : r0ger888@hotmail.com
MSN/WLM : r0ger888@escargot.chat
Telegram : Telegram: Contact @r0ger888

…while i am going to prepare a concept (mostly a presentation) for the uni next week because that’s what i was going to do.


r0ger (Darius)


This forum is no longer associated with escargot, Try to get to discord escargot, and there already offer an idea!

why? it’s still associated but it’s not official anymore

For all the time I’ve been here, I haven’t seen anima really interested in such offers
I think they had enough of their own commercial, (well, how to say their own, from the community)

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oh yeah, i forgot. thanks for reminding.

this is actually a project for my uni for a module, they required me to make a commercial of anything i want and the deadline for it is at the end of July.

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when your done i would love to see it

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