March 23, 2023, 5:01pm
Have you ever wanted to re-visit your childhood memories on Habbo? OldskoolHabbo is a remake of Habbo Hotel from when it was like in early 2000s
Join Oldskool Habbo now!
Re-creation of v18 Shockwave Habbo in HTML5! NO DOWNLOAD needed! - Nostalgia, strict economy, fun gambling, a lot casinos.
It’s “Club Penguin Today” now sadly.
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it seemed cool, too bad that it randomly got fucked in the ass
sorry for bump
but i actually found an alternative and working as of 2024.
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both of these work currently; oldskoolhabbo has a bit of an advantage because its a html5 remake
Is there any club penguin revival thats based on like pre disney 2000s club penguin thats similar to rewritten?
Whenever I log on, it redirects me to some habbo server voting website. I’d think I was doing something wrong if it wasn’t for how suspicious the op sounded. For now I’ll just stick to Habbo.bz