New Vista Project:Windows Vista Integral Edition

OS Based:Vista Business SP2 x64 (my favourite),Ultimate SP2 x64 (second favourite, suggestion of @Ray and @th1n )
Build number (my own):6.0.6004 (Original:6.0.6002)
Programs:Extended Kernel,Opera
ISO:Coming soon.

NOTE FOR JAN 27:The ISO was tested on VMware and gave us User Profile Service error due to being edited in NTLite. Just enable administrator account in safe mode and delete the old account after install.

Uh oh, i forgot to add Opera, so it don’t have.

make it based on ultimate ffs

Yup, I will make tomorrow. Ray Editions of VistaIE are Ultimate.

NOTE after install:If you get a User Profile Service error, just boot into safe mode and open cmd and type this command:
net user Administrator /active:yes
Then switch to Administrator account and open cmd again and type this command

net user your username /delete

Replace “your username” with your actual username (not Administrator, ex:RayTheFox).

To list users just type net user on cmd and find your username.

can u make the os based VIsta Ultimate SP2

Yup, going to make, maybe uploaded late because upload slow.

If you get an error about User Profile Service Refer this guide for a fix:
Fix of USER ERROR.txt (2.1 KB)

Uh oh, I forgot to add a browser, again!

how to get the iso

The ISO file is still not available yet! (Not until the next 2 months atleast)

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BM left this forum and he’s like 12 iirc. Don’t expect anything.