New streaming layout coming soon!

This is how it would look during an actual art stream. The bar saying “Battle - Final Fantasy XIII” is an animated progress bar, to show how much of the song is left.

Here is a video showing it in all it’s animated glory.

Planned playlist, which will shuffle. Open to song suggestions. F4 means Fallout 4. WIMO means “What I’m Made Of”

Game series soundtracks currently planned to play:

  • Sonic the hedgehog
  • Star Fox
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Final Fantasy
  • Half-Life
  • Fallout 4
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • OutRun

I really like the idea of being able to see the song and the progress. I haven’t been on Twitch or similar in a while, but this is the first I’ve heard of that idea.

Some random suggestions, maybe a bit out outside what typically would be suggested:

Richard Jacques · Shrouded Forest

Tommy Tallarico · Great Megalith

The World Adventure · Orchestral Theme

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I’ll add them

try adding warioware DIY showcase - intro theme
i hope this dosent give you copyright because someone published the full intro soundtrack and its not copyrighted