Msn windows 95

the server can only run from windows xp SP3 and above

No. You can run MSN on older systems. You may well download MSN 1.0 on Windows 95.

but msn 1.0 are insecure

Who cares!? We’re not doing a top secret task, even NO viruses left today for such an old software. Just set up a VM and take off.



Who even DARES to hack such an old software! Relax, man! We’re having fun there.
If you’re still scared, go use a virtual machine. No matter, worst crash won’t be able to harm your precious system. Lastly, that old viruses must have lost compatibility with newest systems. (Example: The “deadly” CIH won’t be able to do a fuck on NT-based systems. Ever.)


Haha. The CIH virus on Windows NT. I would sh*t my pants if it worked XD


NT kernel architecture is robust enough to deny access to low level.



I tried to get it to works but doesn’t, I also have IE5 installed and TLS 1.0 enabled
IE5 is first IE to have TLS 1.0, unlike IE3 and IE4.
Registry edit file show a error - Got it with another way:

another way:


maybe i also need to disable Fortezza.

Just check SSL 2.0 and 3.0, 'cause it’s not like MSN 7.x. As it uses MD5 authentication and not Nexus authentication.

gg nice bump there

…Or just not bother with the internet settings at all.

Also you need “Old MSN Support” enabled on your account, which i illustrate how to do here.

You can also use 4.6 if i remember correctly

hello!! is anyone here?


maybe I forgot that.
but too bad that my Gmail account associated with Escargot is locked
and Forgot Google Account password, reset keep showing it not able :frowning:

i cant find the registry value for the server address, it isn’t there and the autopatcher wont work

create one called server

the registry of auto patch is patched to for working on win9x
