is it not supposed to work?
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In early Windows 8 builds? (i am using build 7850 in vmware virtual machine)
why it shouldn’t tho
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I too, don’t get this thread. Messenger 6.0 and 6.1 are usually those that have installation problems, not 6.2.
The API changes that makes 4.0 to 5.1 unstable are much well known by now. (Scrollbar deadlocks, Passport assignment failing, more)
There’s no reason why they shouldn’t. If it works fine in Windows 7, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t work fine here.
That build is almost the same as regular Windows 7, albeit without Redpill…
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MSN messenger versions 6.2 to 7.5 using Escargot servers might also work in Windows 8 build 8102, 8250 and 8400 (and never tried it before).