i can be beta tester?
not now
Good job!
thank you
I think you are the only one who always supports me and the only one who wants the new wlm
what versions of MSNP does that support?
Well done man… Would be nice if we could custom our newsfeed as well, with RSS. Like our newspaper updates or something, they usually have RSS codes you can use then.
this is very cool !!!
WOW :open mouth: I love this concept, is this real? or is a project? Can I be beta teaser?
it’s just a design form i can make it to be real but firstly they should update escargot server
Oh, ok Can I ask you some questions? Can I give you ideas about that? My messenger: paul.campos@hotmail.com
Please add me (What is your e-mail?)
this is my email
Is this a mockup?
hh no it’s just a design form real not psd
Ok, thanks
What hours are you available in messenger? I am available at 5:00 p.m. (GMT-5) (Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru; México)
hhhhh idk my time of connection is random
can i try it once it’s a real thing
Greetings from Mexico, I would like to be a beta tester of this program, I loved the use of messenger there at the beginning of the last decade and I would like to support this project by testing the development and reporting errors, giving suggestions, etc. How can i do it ?, thanks.