While I’m still struggling to get Caddy to cooperate in order to test MSN Explorer on XP (*
poor cipher support *
), I got to extract any of the available MSN Explorer sounds from both the themedef.mar
file and the MSN Explorer installer.
Enjoy yourself lol: MSN_Explorer_Sounds.zip (198.8 KB)
wait these are MSN Explorer 9 sounds
wait what file has this version number
That’s from what I can remember the download page saying. 
uhmmm isn’t that what the installer file version is:

MSNCli.exe, from xp cd
lol those are the exact same fields in my installer. 
can someone solve this captcha?
“If there are none, click skip”
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that’s a microsoft app extractor thing
(copy file dialog appears after opening?)
can i have that mar extractor, i kind of want to “”"""""""""""“decompress”""""""""""""" like 18 of them
I plan to upload the Python script onto my GitLab if there aren’t any bugs and/or necessary additions to attend to. 
upload the beta to a /beta/ or /dev/ branch
From testing, there aren’t any bugs or additional features to look into. Guess it’s time to upload what I’ve got. 
when did escargot get a IRC support branch, eh it’s probably nothin’
Those installation sounds are nice. I wish more programs today used sounds like that more often.
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These sounds…are so cool!!!