MSN 8.5 Not Running (Help, please)

Hello! I have tried to download MSN 8.5 on Windows 7, but when I open the file and go through the process of installing it, at the very end when its done installing, it gives me a weird error message.

An error occured during the installation of assembly
Please refer to Help and Support for more information.

^it’s typed exactly like that, and upon pressing ‘OK’ (The only option, other than exiting the window) it just uninstalls.

Hey King, this can be a real pain to fix but as a starting point, head over to Programs and Features in the Control Panel and search for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and then uninstall every x86 version listed. Then try Messenger’s install again.

When I go to the Control Panel, and do as you say, only one thing shows up. It’s called “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable” (The same thing I searched.) There is no x86 version of anything listed.

So, I decided to search for just Microsoft Visual C++, and two things came up that were x86. I deleted them, and then tried again. It still didn’t work.