First off, misspellings that I hope don’t appear in the actual Messenger application:
lol what’s an “agreemnet?”
Second off, supposed AIM and ICQ interoperability. Where can I get this?
And finally, buttons in place of images:
If you don’t know what this dialog is supposed to look like, here’s an image:
The funniest part is that the button is actually labelled “B,” which I find amusing, either as an initial for “Busy,” or is just a cut-off generic “ButtonX” label that Yahoo! didn’t care to remove. Either way, Yahoo!'s dev team is pretty weird with these dialogs.
To be honest, I like these amusing dialogs. Kind of gives me a behind the scenes of Yahoo! Messenger’s development process.
Basically, that’s probably the case. But I don’t know how to get this interop enabled as of now. Maybe if I had more skill in reverse enginnering/debugging, I could see what triggers the interop feature(s).
I also want to let you know that the AIM interop IS implemented in the main YPager.exe file from searching for the “” URL (along with the TOC URL), basically meaning that it isn’t a scrapped feature that was hidden in a random resource DLL.