Messenger 4.7 on XP

I need an english version and i caNT FIND IT HELP ME

Its saying 4.7.2009 i need 4.7.0105

Maybe i will download version 4.5 will it work?

The MSN Messenger Clients Archive probably has the version you need.

I am asking will 4.5 work

Yes. But, didn’t you wanted to use version 4.7?

I compared both versions and its the same desingn so

Do i need to make a account in escargot msn server website with microsoft account yes?

Yup, you need to register on the page with an e-mail account (anyone is gonna be okay, it doesn’t need to exist, but better if it exists if you forget your password) and a password. If you pretend to use versions 1 to 4 you need to enable the checkbox that says “Old MSN Support”. And that’s it! Now enter your login data into the program and start enjoying MSN!

I now fix everyting and now i am enjoying MSN messenger


thanks. 4.6 signed on first try

i also found the right 4.7 download

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i even got 2009 to work

Umm how ?


oh i thought he meant WLM 2009

i used the autopatcher

than did the patch in regedit