Mercury MSN escargot mod

Good night! Friends

Today I modified the mercury app, with some changes in the resources of the app
To make it more similar to the appearance of escargot, The changes dont add any Functionality, Only some icons and resources.
I hope you like it!

I want to make themes with the style of Wlm 14 but I dont have the files to create them. I hope to make them soon
Thank you

App name
App icon
Blue theme
Contact icons without photo

Themes like these:


Great work!
Gonna install soon :wink:

Beatiful! Good work @Allen_Walker!

Good Work!
I can give you the WLM 2012 resources

Really good job! well done! :wink:

Here is the WLM 2012 resources:
WLM 2012 (363.8 KB)

it says the file is virus

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