Lucky Break (CANCELLED)

look for any neighbor and ask if there is a ladder i can use

See if you have a web browser on your PDA, considering you can talk to your freinds on Janam Messanger.

None of your neighbors are around, but you did find a STEPLADDER, which is probably closer to portable stairs than a stepladder, but whatever.

Yup. Not enough. Maybe if you were just slightly taller, it would work, but noooo.

You do, but you would rather not use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Gotta save on data, yo.

What now?


sorry about the short break. had no motivation

jump and climb with the step ladder

Here you go, babey!


You should probably try again, or maybe do something else.

…hey, what’s that?

Why is there a card on the ground.


You don’t know what arms are, but hopefully they’ll be useful.


so basically The Felt but instead of the cards containing items theyre like upgrades you find on the ground for free.

commit suicidddddeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


throw ur phone on the road


Why would you do that?! You don’t even own a PHONE, only a PDA!

throw ur pda on the road and scream your favorite song

You have a feeling this is going to be a tremendous waste of time.


You do not listen to music, for that art form has been dead in the water for 50 years. All songs use the same chords now. You were “born in le wrong generation!!1”

go home and wake up ur mom

She’s awake, and you’re not sure how happy she’ll be if you knock on the door outside when you should be locked in your room.

Tell her she is gay :stuck_out_tongue:

You are not willing to give yourself the death penalty!

Go to your room, download tiny7 then install it


Now that you have arms, perhaps you should try using the STEPLADDER?

use the stepladder

use the stepladder

