Looking for Messenger contacts to talk to?


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EST timezone, decently active. I’m interested in too many things to list here, but mainly vintage toys, antiquated tech and software, animatronics, and media preservation. I’m also a big music person- but let’s be honest, mostly for ska.

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feel free to add me
14yrs old im a boy ofc
I’m interested in anything! i mostly like tech 2010s and i mostly play Just Dance or Minecraft but I’m online all the time and I’m hoping we can be friends!

harrygkane@escargot.chat add meee


SuperMarioWar1@escargot.chat Feel free to add me at any time :wink:

Hello, I’m new so I don’t have anyone to talk to.

Feel free to add me: falloutbaddie@escargot.chat

I’m from Argentina. I speak Spanish and English. I’m looking to get better at Portuguese :slight_smile:

Hi I’m new here or i was here on mg but i wasn’t posting so much
my mail : Allamoxy@escargot.chat
i’m from Egypt
i like talking about retro pcs 1995 2014 era
i’m talking arabic and english
and i want to make my english better
im lookin for arabic and not arabic friends to talk with about retro tech and software
But no swearing - لكن ممنوع الشتايم
im 13 yo
my skype : moh0 or allamoxy2





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i’m shirin, 14 yrs old & living in sweden (CET time zone)
i have a looot of interests, like anime, 2000s-2010s, eddsworld, homestuck, emo music, etc!!!
im also autistic fyi :stuck_out_tongue:
usually online everyday, mostly during afternoon (i have school D:)
im mostly looking for ppl with teh same interests as me :3

msn: pichushalin35@escargot.chat

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I like Old Tech, iOS, and Jazz.
Do not message me on Mondays-Fridays between 7 AM to 3 PM (GMT+8), because of school.

Hii, I’m from Argentina, i’m 18, i speak spanish and english (i speak basic english tbh)
I love Touhou and everything related to weeb culture. Do not message me when i’m playing War Thunder.

msn: sailorscout2005@escargot.chat

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Montreal, Canada
English, French, Spanish

(post deleted by author)

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Escargot ID is sassywanteat@escargot.chat (using 7.5 btw)
From Saudi Arabia, GMT+3
English, Arabic

19M, open to talk with anyone about anything! huge fan of tech, music, games, theatre, and tv shows/movies. feel free to add me and send a message, i’ll always respond ASAP!

Hello! My new MSN is fantasiaoscura@escargot.chat
Can chat to anyone, Esp/Engl

Nice to meet you all!

hi! i’m from argentina and i’m looking for people to chat. Add me! fabgilbert@escargot.chat

portuguese (brazil) and english