Looking for Messenger contacts to talk to? (Archive)

Buenos Aires, Argentina, GMT-3

Spanish & English

Games, oldware and Ratatat


add me i accept everyone as long as they speak english

iā€™m 23/F/aus :slight_smile:


just a 21 year old Irish lass (for the non irish,lass means girl lol) looking for new contacts to talk too and relive the fun times,add me please and thank you:) iā€™ll accept anyone as long as they speak english :slight_smile:

Guatemala GMT-6

Add me please

Iā€™m mexican, carlos_08mk@hotmail.com

bored and in need of contacts, iā€™m a 21year old girl from Australia looking for cool people to talk to
english only please cause thats all i speak,my msn is hi.imkaylie@hotmail.com

hey people of the Internet,iā€™m looking for some cool people to make friends with :slight_smile:
my msn is im_no_superhero@hotmail.com
also iā€™m 21 and from Ireland,and iā€™m female lol

hello everyone,21 year old irish lass (lass means girl btw) looking for awesome people,especially for late convos my msn is unexplainedlyrics@hotmail.com :slight_smile:

sup people,need some people to talk to so if anyone fancies talking to a wee scottish lass(means girl btw),feel free to add me :slight_smile: my msn is teenagedream_baaby@hotmail.com
iā€™m 21 in case anyone wants to know lmao

Feel free to add and talk to me: setareyekhamushi@gmail.com

Looking forward to chat with new people.

From Turkey, can speak Turkish and English fluently.
Interested in tech, PC hardware and sofware, old console games, and memes.
Feel free to add.

Ayy, whatsup. Iā€™m a 17 yr old dude from the US. I like tech stuff from the mid-late 2000s, so I thought itā€™d be cool to check out this old IM program.

I also like Internet culture, Nintendo & PC games, Windows/OSX, game development/programming, all that cool stuff.

Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m not really sure how to go about adding people on here, I feel like itā€™d be inappropriate to just randomly add somebody and just start talking, but then again, how are conversations supposed to start? :thinking: Just add me on kindasnakey@outlook.com if youā€™re interested, Iā€™ve got lots of free time to chat.


Been looking how to open my old msn messenger until I have come across this site. But still donā€™t know how to retrieve my msn contacts. Just want to relive those old memories. - ad.infinatum@hotmail.com

You canā€™t retrieve your old contacts as they donā€™t exist, this is a new server including contact lists. You have to add new contacts.

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Unlike other services that have gone down, Messenger contact lists have been preserved on Outlook and https://web.skype.com, all one has to do is sign in with their Microsoft account. Even prior Messenger categories/groups are retained in outlook.com and you can export them.

So the data is there, but getting previous contacts to create new accounts on escargot is another matter.


Thanks for your response Andrew. Thatā€™s kinda sad, but I think we have to move on. Cheers!

Thanks Jonathan, will try to do that. Wish me luck. Tah!


I run a really bad forum adventure here. I also do volunteer work for an online game archival project.

rxphalange99@hotmail.com :slight_smile: iā€™m at college. none of my friends fancy getting MSN back haha soo looks like Iā€™ll be needing some ppl to talk to! iā€™m interested in a lot of things, music, technology, things from the 2000s etc. :slight_smile: i speak english and french.


Gente que hable espaƱol agregueme porfis :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Mas que nada hablo tonterias sin importancia en messenger, tengan en cuenta eso.