Looking for KICQ members to talk with?

UIN: 83161
Using QIP 2005

My UIN: 541377
Version of ICQ I use: ICQ 6.5

uid: 1207099
using icq 2003b

uin: 2792069
icq 5

UIN: 7621880
Nickname: Printed
Time zone: CST
Location: Somewhere in the EU
Languages: English and Spanish
ICQ version I mainly use: 6.5

Somewhere in the EU

English and Spanish


How come you solved my riddle so easily?!?

sorry meant to reply to this

U made it pretty obvious

UIN: 9355214
Nickname: Pakkuman
Version of ICQ I use: 2003b

UIN: 14922
Nickname: tretdm
Timezone: UTC+7 (known as MSK+4)
Age: 19
Languages: Russian (native), English
Using ICQ clients versions: Various (2003b, 2002a, Jimm Android port and QIP 2005)

just started using kicq again, uin wasn’t changed, still gmt+3

1 Like

UIN: 80811
Nickname: Animator
Languages: Russian (native), English

Languages: Portuguese (native), English

Its the replacement of old ICQ, For more info, go here: KICQ revives old ICQ clients!

Well, mine is 7101800

Got a new KICQ UIN, so why not?
UIN: 2666169
Nickname: KnetaMight
Version of ICQ I use: 2003b

I’ll add u


UIN: 748-807-416
Nickname: Spark
ICQ Client: Anyone