Looking for KICQ members to talk with?

will log in some time soon

k, i will add you when i can

add me. my UIN is 556659

I got the email and UIN, everything setup, but cannot login with icq99a-2003b :frowning:

wait what’s KICQ

KICQ revives old ICQ clients!

im almost always online


this is my new uin ;-; 280812562

oop ;-;, added you with your old UIN, time to change the UIN :confused:

when you will be online?

Most of the time in the GMT+1 timezone


my kicq uin is: 280-812-971

Can you pass the KICQ website? I can’t find it

its dead but the server ip is 5190
and you can just register via client unlike phoenix

hmm, ok
but can you help me to register the ip and thus register on the page?
sorry if i disturb you.

dm me on discord purpelflower#2318

here is mine, im almost always online
