20 characters eeeeee
look like the good version of @Deathlife23 picture
to be fair both are from youare.swf
(Otherwise known as youareanidiot.org (the website is safe, you can click, it got scrubbed of the JS exploit 5 years ago))
yeah i know , its dont even do anything in IE 11
Your are heavenlife24
you are an idiot! - YouTube Forgot this ‘remix’ existed until you posted about that site
someone need to use that picture as a wallpaper
First, there was Reverse Patchou.
Now there’s Reverse @Deathlife23.
Around mid 2017, @Patchou joined MessengerGeek by the way of @Andreso2145 e-mailing him about it (IDK why @TReKiE never told him about MG or why he never found out from browsing @TReKiE’s blog, assuming he was in the know about that at the time. From the looks of it, they ARE friends, after all).
@Deathlife23 then decided to nab @Patchou’s avatar (of Osaka), vertically flip it, and call himself “Reverse Patchou” as a joke. That’s how it all started in the first place. Had @Patchou never created an account on here, @Deathlife23 would probably still be using his Sonic Advance profile picture.
That was before his “Reverse Patchou” shtick. He did change it back to that afterwards, but he ultimately settled with the youareanidiot.org smiley.
Oh now i get it oh and look at this [•abandonned project•] - #2 by Deathlife23
One, I already saw that by the time it was posted. Frankly, I had enough courage to say that @Deathlife23 didn’t care about maintaining the MessengerGeek spirit anymore.
Two, why bring that up here anyway?
i remenber these days , the days that he was not calling everyone ‘’ gay ‘’
hes linking to a reply
it wasnt his project
it was @compuser’s
shit nvm im stupid
I know it was @CompUser’s project LOL. I’m just solely referring to @Deathlife23’s reply.