I’ve been using escargot for a while and looking in the on-site forum (which appears to be dead as) I saw a topic where someone made an iTunes thing 4 years ago but the link is dead and no source code is anywhere to be seen. This could be a cool implementation in general, I don’t know many people that use WMA anymore and iTunes runs way better, even in older systems like windows 7 (which I’m using rn). Any chance this makes it in or someone finds the original component?
The forums aren’t dead. They’re read-only – we are planning to rework the forum system but we’ve been busy with other stuff (like, y’know, AIM, ICQ, MSN, so many things)
I made the iTunes MSN integration. It’s probably posted on our Discord. We post a lot of stuff there, and it’s the official community for Escargot.
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can you send me the link for it?
The link is on our Discord server. NINA and Escargot
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Thanks for the clarification!