It's finally here! [Ubuntu 20.04]

It is here in all of it’s glory Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Aren’t you all excited?

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Yes i am

I am downloading it right now!

i expected something else

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You expected WLM '09? If so, then that would have been written by a developer (likely walkingphasers), not by some random user.

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This is just a side thing. I can’t wait for WLM '09 too.

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not wlm 2009



but eh, it will end after tomorrow

couldn’t get networking to work, gg

You are 2 days late. Gnome 3 isn’t great but there are components of GTK3 that just are bad such as CSD’s, which mean fat and un-customizable window borders.

The 20.04 is 2 GB in size, while older versions are 1 GB.

Thats because of the new AWESOME changes… I… I guess…

What “AWESOME” changes

I said I gues… But I’m 100% that they improved security in the OS

So this is the reason that the ISO is 1 GB larger?

I told you that I didn’t read all the news of the OS and I said I guess.

It doesn’t make sense for security updates to be 1 GB

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I TOLD you many times that that couldn’t be all the changes… Just try the Operating System by your own and you’ll see ALL the changes…

Xubuntu and Ubuntu Mate more light and better then vanilla Ubuntu, and the community remixes are also ok.

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eh…i can’t upgrade my server:(