Is it possible to log in under Windows XP?

How do I log into Escargot MSN 7.0 on XP? It tells me to setup a .NET Passport, which attempting to click next, it does nothing.

OVERDUE EDIT: It’s been working for a while, been working since mid-july.

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@Old_Bill Hey man, it’s me, Nathan the Pen. What happened to Escargot MSN server?

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i was able to sign in on xp until monday

Using MSN 7.0 with Windows XP. Works great.


does the root update make escargot run on xp again

don’t forget that TLS 1.0 is NOT on by default.

it was already on

I can login to MSN Messenger 6.2, I was recommended that version, works ok, infact, it can do anything.

I think I managed to sign in on an XP VM (I don’t know if it had any service packs installed or not) I think it was version 5 or 6 that worked.