I was wondering if it would be possible to provide the installer for Windows Journal Viewer on the Escargot website “downloads” section.
From what I know of what I had to use back in the day, this is required to enable handwriting in MSN Messenger 7.5, but only on Windows XP that is not the Tablet PC Edition. I think Messenger just requires some DLLs from it, which are already present in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and all editions of Windows Vista and later.
I do have the setup file. It’s a little bit hard to find as Microsoft removed it from their website, and the only other place I could get it were CNET or Softtonic, either one or both, but I can’t remember which one of the 2 sites I downloaded my copy from.
I’ve temporarily uploaded this file to my web server and it’s right here. Do let me know once you’ve downloaded it so I can remove it.
(I have a website there that is still secretly under construction and is temporarily one of those weird/mysterious joke sites I see “once in a blue moon”)
The file itself is actually just named “setup.exe” and was contained inside a ZIP file when I downloaded it from either one of the two aforementioned websites. You can rename the setup file or just leave it as that name.
Again, this is only for Windows XP that is not the Tablet PC Edition.
(I forgot to mention: While I’ve seen a lot of people who seem to be running the Escargot patched Messenger clients on much newer versions of Windows, I’d rather use the OS it’s designed to run on, which in my case, is Messenger 7.5 on Windows XP. I can optionally explain the reason why)
It’s supposed to be an optional component that allows Windows XP editions that are not the Tablet PC Edition, to be able to view Windows Journal files.
It’s not related to Messenger, except for some of its software libraries that Messenger detects, accesses, and uses for handwriting support.