Im making a mod for minecraft! Forge Mod

Well, this mod is in version 001 beta, so, also things maybe can not work perfect.
Im testing the versions, now i will say all releases.
0.01 beta (1.16.5)
1.00 beta (1.16.5)
1.00 release (1.16.5 and 1.17)
1.00 alpha (1.16.5)
well, its all of the versions.

what mod includes items? (ex. Ruby sword or Basically Sword!)

-Basically Items
-Floatbeat Items!

Good luck in your mods.
Add support in v1.19.3 too.

Alright, i will add support for 1.19.3.
Thanks to wish luck in my mod!
Alright, i will add the items of your ideas.
With love, panda <3

Basically, the floatbeat items dont will released.

why not?

well, its personal

but in the next update (release because 1.00 beta its released) i will add.

currently, basically items are will added. basically items are smilar to netherite but it’s more than shade is purplish.

Add support in 1.19.3: Well in my version of mcreator, the 1.19.x doesnt work. its 1.16.5 - 1.18.2