Idea for Android MSN/WLM: Google Talk + Escargot Chat

I do have an idea to integrate MSN/WLM (Escargot) to Google Talk (former hangouts, now google chat).

I have made a concept about MSN/WLM’s integration in Google Talk:

Add AIM support as well

Should like:

  • Just type your AIM username and ignore the gmail part
  • AIM contacts should be here.

No only MSN/WLM

honestly this looks pretty good, onya bud!
if u want this to be considered by anyone in the OIC (because mg is a joke in the community nowadays) go to Escargot/NINA discord linked on their website

(post deleted by author)

uh sorry.

bro u were nice when u first joined, now u becoming kikoabdou part 2

sorry about that.

It got escaped from my mouth and typed accidently.

thats why i SHOULD quit for a few days
cause of my life (so just to learn how do i wanna be nice)

Should we forgive @anon1143821?

I’m really sorry for that.
