I translated WLM 8.5 with my own language

So yeah i created a language ! I called this language Enguena ! Anyways there is the translated window
I taked my main language (French) for the base and then i translated words and tada ! As you can see its not complete but its still in work !
Have a great night/day !

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For a exemple, if someone add you it will said
example@exemple.com cuenca o aguente ka luista de cuentacts
Which means
exemple@exemple.com added you in his contact list

How can a person learn to speak Enguena exactly?


Oh hi TReKiE ! Well, there is a txt file with words in english or french translated to Enguena here is a example with the french one

Which the txt files are not finished
And maybe i will make a sort of traductor for Enguena

Here is Alpha of WLM 8.5 with Enguena language


Thank youu !

Cool, I have never seen a person from modern day create an language, i had ideas to create one but i was trying to make words and vocals and everything and stuff and thats rough

Thank you so much !