If anyone wants to talk with one MSN Messenger friend via call/videocall Online, use Gruveo www.gruveo.com.
In Gruveo you can call without an account!, but without account you cannot receive calls, in Gruveo you create your account and in the search bar in the homepage, you put the username (example: @example3321) and select call or videocall, in Gruveo you can call in group too!, but with Premium account, in free account you can only talk in group for 9 minutes, and has Screen Sharing! you only need to download the Screen Sharing Gruveo Extensions and, thats it!.
Gruveo is excellent, i recommend to all Escargot MSN users to create a Gruveo account and if anyone wants to call or videocall the other or the others users, use Gruveo!
If anyone wants to talk with me via Messenger, here is my contact: urdanetaa19@gmail.com