How to Patch the MSN Messenger 2009

I don’t known patch WLM 2009

windows live messenger 2009 is not supported

What day Escargot WLM 2009 Release?

some day

there’s is not a date to its release, as far i know

stop this


You can actually set up a development server to test it, as loing as you’re moderately skilled in Python and have an OS that supports Python 3.6 or higher.

Are you Leo?

I don’t think so, from what i saw leo is using windows 7 (unless he upgraded :stuck_out_tongue:) and the picture eduardo posted was windows 10 but the picture was fake

So i have no idea what’s going on :stuck_out_tongue:

its just more people thinking everyone is leo

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como se cambia los servidores. Como se parchea ?

if you are talking about wlm 2009, you cant ( unless you do what @appledoo said )
if you are talking about wlm 8.5 or older, just download a pre-patched version

es lo que quiero hacer. pero como cambio los codigos que aparece en la URL.
Quiero seguir los pasos
Como se hace?

you need experience with python to do this
if you dont know how to use it, you are kinda out of luck

There’s a guide on the website. It’s easier to just download a pre-patched version.

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como lo añado al messenger ?

¿qué quieres decir?
(lo siento si salí como grosero, estoy usando Google Translate)

que como añado lo que ha escrito “Balazs_V”