How to install visopsys in a VM?

hey there everyone. today we could actually learn about some an old os you never seen before and its called:
its a OS that was made in 1997. and its based on linux GNOME. but dosent use linux at all. but they mention linux (and vmware too)
so if you want to try this shiny operating system in a VM. im here to help you!

step 1:

you need to get the visopsys ISO from Downloads | Visopsys, must be a version that has a disk manager. its clearly important

step 2:

you may install it in virtualbox. because it may not work in VMware. trust me. i tried it.
EDIT: it also works in VMware. but you need to change a compability setting to make it work, 12.x is reccemounded

step 3:

create the VM and insert the visopsys ISO in your VM

step 4:

once your in the visopsys setup. click “install”

step 5:

click OK when “choose installation disk” window appears

step 6:

now. this is very important in this step. so all you gotta need. is to click “partion disks”
step 6.1: click “create” then make the disk number “2048”
NOTE: when it said: “unknown disk label. writing changes will create an MS-DOS label”. just click OK because this happens when there is no disk.
step 6.2: choose FAT32. or FAT32 (LBA/logical block addressing)
step 6.3: click “set active” button to make sure you can boot perfectly
step 6.4: then, click “write changes” and then click OK to coniform
step 6.5: click the “format” button and then choose “FAT”
step 6.6: then go choose “FAT32”
step 6.7: right click the disk on the top. then click “MBR boot menu” and then quit disk manager.
why?: because alot of new visopsys users had some problems that cannot boot visopsys. because they are installing in the wrong way.
step 6.8: click OK if you see your setted-up disk
step 6.9: click install

step 7:

enjoy your new system!

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