How to explore https web sites in Internet Explorer 6?

a long time ago someone told me about https support in Internet Explorer 6 and after a years i finally do it. so for https support (i don’t know why microsoft uncheck it by default but ok) you need go to start menu - control panel and Internet options.
Then check “Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid”

if it still don’t work just check all security checkboxes (even SSL)

so that’s too late because if even ie 6 support https that’s not fixing displaying problem and a lot of web sites just trow “cannot find server or DNS error” message or white screen. I don’t know why. Also be ready to a lot of certificate errors (maybe that’s fixes by updates). Last problem it’s too long loading. And again maybe that’s because my internet connection.

Fun fact: IE 6 SP 1 (version for Windows 98-2000) haven’t https feature so updating ie 5 (or 5.5) is useless today.

thanks for reading this useless information

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It’s because people won’t know that the site has an invalid SSL certificate.

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Im using ME on my VM and that feature didnt exist at the time of IE6 SP1.

yes. working only on windows xp (or longhorn)

Also The first version to run the classic IE5-styled version was NT 4.0 and the last version was ME.

You know that,right?

wait…NT 4.0? not 95?

Yes,the business version of Windows 95 (NT 4.0) actually supports IE6 unlike 95. 95 is stuck with 5.5.

wow, i didn’t know that

You should update it to include nt 4.0,at least.

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